school parties.
costume parties.
flower stands.
streets filled with people all carrying brightly colored bouquets.
sounds like valentine's day. easter, maybe.
but what i witnessed last week around the city was the welcoming of spring. september 21st is the first day of spring in the southern hemisphere. and it's a big deal here in buenos aires. i've never lived anywhere where the seasons are so marked. (remember, i grew up in sunny southern california, where the seasons go from hot, to warm, to a-wee-bit-chilly and back to warm.)
the coming of spring also seemed more pronounced this year because it was an exceptionally long, cold winter. it actually snowed in july! the first snowfall since 1918- almost 90 years ago.
while the temperatures are still resisting to climb. and we've not yet put away our hats and scarves, spring is in the air. and the anticipation of warmer weather, and new life is palpable.
i love how Carla Mae Streeter describes the coming of spring in her book Seasons of the Soul,
once the light returns and the ice melts... nature begins to stir, like some sleeper taking a stretch. spring can't come fast enough it seems.
and so even in my own little patio garden, i can see these signs of spring. and i'm reminded of the promise of transformation and the promise of new life.
Do we get a new post once a season?? Glad your summer is almost here! ;)
hey beautiful lady,
you haven't posted anything in ages. i miss reading the good stuff...
Yes, once the Spring comes in Argentina, you definitely notice it. It is like all the trees that have no leaves, grow them from one day to another just like that. I remember when I went there, I rented apartments in Buenos Aires all in areas where it was full of trees. I like neture and I wanted to see green stuff out of the window. So, when the Winter came, everything was brown, and there was a melancoly typical of that season. When The Spring came, everything became colorful and I could not explain why but I was happy. As the long says: In BA durting the Spring, "Love is in the air..."
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